
A Guide To Fitness While Traveling

A vacation can do wonders for reducing stress levels, but it can derail a healthy fitness commitment.

Even some of the most die-hard fitness fanatics can find it difficult to stick with a workout program when away from home. We all have good intentions, and may even pack their workout attire. But unfortunately, the gear never makes it out of the suitcase, and we indulge in the fun foods and drinks while away.

Travel doesn’t have to result in complete abandonment of your healthy habits. Of course you want to enjoy your trip, but you can still fit in exercise time to keep a nice balance on things. Regardless of whether you find yourself in a warm or a cold climate, there are exercises you can complete without requiring a gym or any equipment.



Below are some tips to help you stay fit while traveling and avoid coming home with unwanted extra baggage. And I don’t mean suitcases 😉

  • Be realistic. You probably won’t be able to fit in your normal weekly workouts and that’s okay. Just keeping active can fend off any extra weight additions.
  • Plan ahead. Before leaving town, find out what type of workout facilities your accommodations will have..
  • Scope out local gyms. If you are staying somewhere that doesn’t provide a workout area then inquire at the nearby local fitness centers for their rates.
  • Pack a resistance band in your suitcase. The band takes up very little space, yet can provide you with an entire upper and lower body workout routine.
  • Don’t deprive yourself of all local delicacies. You can enjoy some special meals without going overboard. Ask the restaurants to prepare your favorite dishes with a few lower carb/fat ingredients.
  • Traveling exposes us to different terrain. Try biking, hiking, a pedal boat excursion, water-skiing, beach volleyball, etc.
  • Prepare snacks. If your journey includes a lot of time in the car, be sure to pack some healthy snacks so you aren’t forced to eat at all the fast food and convenience shops along the way.
  • Play in the pool. If lounging poolside is part of your vacation plans, then hop in the pool every 20 minutes for 5-10 minutes of pool walking.
  • Remember walking is still fitness. When you’re exploring, you’ll find you’ll reach 10,000 steps in a day pretty easy. Hit 15,000 and your food choices become a lot more fun 🙂
  • Get comfortable. Don’t forget to pack comfortable workout attire that fits your destination’s climate.



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